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Kategorie: WA Representative

Hansen, Camilla Juul

Camilla Hansen Principal Investigator, WA Representative Camilla Juul Hansen is a stellar spectroscopist and observer working in the field of nuclear astrophysics in a highly interdisciplinary field between observational Galactic chemical evolution, stellar atmospheres and abundances, and

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Obertelli, Alexandre

Alexandre Obertelli Principal Investigator, WA Representative Alexandre Obertelli (Representative of WA1) works on understanding bound nuclear systems and the in-medium interactions among their constituents. He designs and carries experimental programs with radioactive beams at CERN,

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Martínez-Pinedo, Gabriel

Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo Principal Investigator, WA Representative Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo (Deputy Representative of WA4) works in a broad range of topics of nuclear astrophysics exploring the impact of advances in microphysics in core-collapse supernova and neutron star

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Litvinov, Yury A.

Yury A. Litvinov Principal Investigator, WA Representative Yury A. Litvinov (Representative of WA3) is a recognized expert in the application of heavy-ion storage rings for precision experiments with stored, highly-charged heavy stable as well as

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Elfner, Hannah

Hannah Elfner Principal Investigator, WA Representative Hannah Elfner (Representative of WA2) is an internationally recognised expert on the dynamical description of heavy-ion reactions. Her recently developed non-equilibrium transport approach SMASH is part of the JETSCAPE

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Bauswein, Andreas

Andreas Bauswein Principal Investigator, WA Representative Andreas Bauswein (Deputy Representative of WA2) is working in the field of compact star mergers performing hydrodynamical simulations of these events. His research focuses on the gravitational wave signal,

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Arnold, Michaela

Michaela Arnold Principal Investigator, WA Representative Michaela Arnold (Deputy Representative of WA3) is head of operations of the S-DALINAC, the superconducting recirculating electron linear accelerator of the Technische Universität Darmstadt since 2017. She has been

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