
ELEMENTS joins Night of Science once again

On 21 June 2024, Campus Riedberg in Frankfurt opened its doors again to the public by celebrating this year’s Night of Science. Taking place all night long from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m., the event featured over almost 100 science talks from neuroscience to physics, guided lab tours, and booths for interactive experiences.

Our Early Career Researchers Reinhold Kaiser and Jan Michel were happy to showcase the human-sized Neutron Star model and answer many curious questions about astrophysics.

ELEMENTS principal investigator Camilla Juul Hansen and spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla from Goethe University explained the formation of “Silver and Gold in the Universe“ and “The Irresistible Attraction of Gravity” in their respective talks.

Taking place since 2006, the student-organized event aims to make science accessible and understandable for the public. This year’s Night Of Science leading figure and scientific role model was Lise Meitner, the first female physics professor in Germany, who is known for her substantial contributions to the fields of radioactivity and nuclear fission.

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