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EXPLORE summer school begins

On Monday, the first EXPLORE summer school was opened at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies on Campus Riedberg. EXPLORE (EXPeriential Learning Opportunity through Research and Exchange) is an innovative international teaching project that enables students to learn about physics hands-on while also experiencing modern international research collaborations. It is a cooperation of Goethe University Frankfurt and York University in Toronto, Canada. Already during the last semester, the young people teamed up in self-organised groups to work on real physical data and research questions about Dark Matter. Now they’re coming together for their first meeting in person.

The project is organised by our principal investigator Laura Sagunski and all of her PhD students act as tutors. Spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla gave a keynote on Black Holes while professor Camilla Hansen held a lecture and tutorials on galaxies as hosts of Dark Matter. As the main sponsor of the summer school we are very glad to be able to support the project both financially and ideologically.

You can read more about the EXPLORE summer school here (in English) and here (in German).

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