
Luciano Rezzolla elected Chair of Gravity and General Relativity Division of DPG

Congratulations to Luciano Rezzolla! The ELEMENTS principal investigator and spokesperson has recently been elected chair of the Gravity and General Relativity Division (GR) of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) at the spring meeting in March 2024. Together with the division’s board, he will coordinate the German research activity in the field of gravity and relativity, investigating questions on astrophysical and cosmological probes of general relativity and alternative gravity theories. Together with six further divisions, GR is part of the Matter and Cosmos Section.

Der DPG is the world’s largest physical society uniting people of all status groups with an interest in physics. It is based on voluntary membership and work and aims to foster research, teaching, and scientific exchange in physics nationally as well as internationally.

© Stefanie Wetzel

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