
Successful workshop on Statistical Mechanics and non-perturbative Field Theory comes to a close

From 19 to 21 December, the 19th edition of the traditional “SM&FT” workshop on Statistical Mechanics and Non-Perturbative Field Theory was held in Bari, Italy. This event is part of a series of workshops, the first edition of which took place in 1988. The aim of the workshop is to promote cross-fertilisation of ideas from statistical mechanics, non-perturbative field theory and other areas of theoretical physics. Special emphasis was placed on presenting results and challenges in theoretical physics using high performance computing and new quantum algorithms.

ELEMENTS’ principal investigator Francesca Cuteri was part of the local organising committee and our spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla delivered a keynote on Binary Neutron Stars.

Further details on the realisation and the results achieved can be found in the publication in Nature Physics and this feature.

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