
Dirk H. Rischke

Deputy Spokesperson, Principal Investigator

Dirk H. Rischke is internationally recognised as a leading figure in the physics of strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions. He currently works on the microscopic foundations of relativistic fluid dynamics and on the functional renormalisation group approach to describe thermodynamic as well as transport properties of hot and dense strong-interaction matter.

In the past, he has studied exotic color-superconducting phases in strong-interaction matter, which may be relevant to neutron stars, as well as properties of hadrons in vacuum and in hot and dense strong-interaction matter, with the aim to identify signatures for chiral symmetry restoration in such matter.

Together with Gabriel Denicol, he has co-authored a monograph on “Microscopic Foundations of Relativistic Fluid Dynamics”, published as Springer Lecture Notes in Physics. From 2017 to 2021, he was spokesperson of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center TransRegio 211 “Strong-interaction Matter under Extreme Conditions”. His more than 200 publications have been cited more than 12.000 times.


Prof. Dr. Dirk H. Rischke​

Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 1,
Room 2.133
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany