
Guy D. Moore

Principal Investigator

Guy D. Moore is an internationally recognized theorist in the fields of relativistic heavy ion physics, nonabelian plasmas away from equilibrium, and early Universe cosmology, especially electroweak baryogenesis and axionic dark matter. He has pioneered high-order and resummed perturbative calculations of transport phenomena and the approach to equilibrium in Quantum Chromodynamics, and has worked on the interface between real-time dynamics and lattice gauge theory methods.

He has published more than 110 papers in refereed journals, including 9 papers in Physical Review Letters. According to INSPIRE, he has over 11,400 citations and an h-index of 60. Guy D. Moore also co-authored a book, “The Standard Model: a Primer,” published by Cambridge University Press, which has become a standard textbook for advanced graduate courses in particle physics and is often referenced in PhD theses, with over 50 citations.


Prof. Dr. Guy D. Moore

Institut für Kernphysik 
Technische Universität Darmstadt

S2|11 303
Schlossgartenstr. 2
64289 Darmstadt, Germany


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