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Kategorie: Events

Wiedereröffnung Wissenschaftsschloss

16.09.2023 The Science Castle is open again! After completion of the extensive renovation work, Darmstadt Castle will once again become a central place of diverse exchange between science and society. We are on site with

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Universe on Tour

26. – 30.07.2023 As part of the Science Year “Our Universe”, the travelling planetarium will also make a stop close to us! ELEMENTS will be on site with the interactive Neutron Star the entire week.

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Tag der offenen Tür bei GSI/FAIR

15.07.2023 Seeing. Experiencing. Understanding: The Open House offers an adventure trip into science and leads right into the heart of the cutting-edge research activities at GSI and FAIR with numerous information and entertainment offers. We are

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Night of Science 2023

16.06.2023 It will be getting late again this year! From 6 to 10 pm you can explore our interactive neutron star at the annual Night of Science. Talks by ELEMENTS:7.45 pm Luciano Rezzolla11.30 pm Camilla

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ELEMENTS bei “Wissenschaft für Alle”

17.05.2023 Talk by Joachim Stroth: “Stark, Stärker, Schwer! – Was uns Schwerionenkollisionen über die Entstehung der Materie verraten” More information: GSI  –  Wissenschaft für Alle Where? FAIR/GSI Campus, Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt + onlineWhen? 17 May

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Girls’Day 2023 mit ELEMENTS

27.04.2023 We dive into the world of physics – between theory and experiment, there is a lot to discover on the Riedberg campus of Goethe University! We take a close look at a fascinating object

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2. Spaziergang durch das Universum

27.12.2022 After Christmas, we will again take you on a very special walk: We will explore the universe! Together with Robert Roth from the TURM Observatory of the Technical University of Darmstadt and Early Career

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Night of Science 2022

24.06.2022 It’s getting late again… On 24 June, the student-organised “Night of Science” will take place at Goethe University, where scientists from all natural sciences will give exciting insights into their research work. Luciano Rezzolla

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