Night of Science 2024
21.06.2024 It will be getting late again this year! From 6 to 10 pm you can explore our interactive neutron star at the annual Night of Science. As usual, ELEMENTS-scientists are holding talks throughout the
21.06.2024 It will be getting late again this year! From 6 to 10 pm you can explore our interactive neutron star at the annual Night of Science. As usual, ELEMENTS-scientists are holding talks throughout the
Prof. Laura Sagunski from Goethe-University was awarded the first place of the 1822-University Prize for Excellent Teaching, with which she was honored for her passionate and innovative teaching at the Physics faculty. Being amongst 28
ELEMENTS-spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla, Professor for Theoretical Astrophysics at Goethe-University, has been awarded an honorary professorship for his close collaboration with the academic community of New Uzbekistan University and his significant contributions to the fields of physics
There exist several mechanisms explaining the formation of element isotopes in astrophysical phenomena. Nuclear fusion in stars is capable of producing elements up to iron and nickel. However, heavier ones can only be synthesized in
At the end of April, the annual Girls’Day took place at the Technical University of Darmstadt with ten students aged 13 to 17 from all over the Rhine-Main area. They took a tour of the
Congratulations to Luciano Rezzolla! The ELEMENTS principal investigator and spokesperson has recently been elected chair of the Gravity and General Relativity Division (GR) of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) at the spring meeting in
This summer term, from April to July, we are excited to host a new lecture series titled „The Origin of Matter – How are Elements formed in the Universe?“ at Goethe University Frankfurt within the
26.05.2024 Goethe University and its Science Garden invite citizens, friends, alumni, residents, staff and students as well as interested parties to the Spring Festival. Get to know the Science Garden and its scientists on a
25.04.2024 On this year’s Girls’Day, our visitors go on a journey to the smallest particles of the Universe. They take part in a live tour of the particle accelerator S-DALINAC in Darmstadt, where electrons can
24.07.2024 Was passiert, wenn schwere Atomkerne, z.B. Gold oder Blei, in modernen Beschleunigeranlagen wie am CERN oder der Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in der Nähe von Darmstadt mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit beschleunigt und zur Kollision gebracht
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