Research data management (RMD) has become an important aspect of (academic) research. In many research areas, professional RDM is still in its infancy and therefore requires great efforts to be implemented in the daily workflow of scientists. The first workshop on research data management at GSI/FAIR that took place on 4-5 July 2022, was organized by Dr. Andrew Mistry (Research Data Manager of GSI/FAIR) to focus on RDM activities at GSI/FAIR and bring together people from different fields to encourage open and controversial discussions towards RDM guidelines directed to maintain research excellence and scientific integrity at GSI/FAIR. Our Research Data Manager Dr. Johann Isaak was invited to represent the research cluster ELEMENTS and to provide an overview on the activities with respect to RDM currently being developed and implemented within ELEMENTS.
ELEMENTS joins Night of Science once again
On 21 June 2024, Campus Riedberg in Frankfurt opened its doors again to the public