
Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger visits Neutron Star in Hofheim

Last week, the “Universe on Tour” roadshow in Hofheim welcomed a distinguished guest, the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Bettina Stark-Watzinger. On 27 July 2023, as part of her summer tour through Germany, she visited the mobile planetary show and exhibition. Accompanied by our spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla, Michael Kramer (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy), and Karlheinz Langanke (GSI), she was given an exclusive tour of the exhibition, which prominently featured our Neutron Star.

Despite the rainy weather, the rest of the week saw a steady stream of visitors eagerly waiting in line to experience the show, which also showcased research data from ELEMENTS. In an adjacent tent, nearly 5000 visitors seized the opportunity to delve into the fascinating role of light in the exploration of the universe. Our Neutron Star exhibit captivated audiences of all ages, with numerous enthusiastic visitors engaging with ELEMENTS members to learn more about their work. The exhibit was accompanied by early career researchers Andreas Flörs and Gerhart Steinhilber who attended to questions from visitors. On Wednesday, René Reifarth‘s talk on the origin of elements in the universe was a complete success, attracting a fully booked audience.

For more insights into our collaboration with “Universe on Tour,” check out the video presented by SAT.1 (in German).

Copyright: BMBF/ Hans-Joachim Rickel

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