For one year, more than 80 scientists in the collaborative Research Cluster ELEMENTS have been exploring the structure and composition of matter by combining the microscopical scales of elementary particles with the macroscopical scales of astrophysical objects.
On 3-5 May 2022, the members of ELEMENTS, representing Goethe University Frankfurt, TU Darmstadt, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen and GSI, will come together for their first annual conference at FIAS in Frankfurt am Main. In their contributions, they will address fundamental questions of nuclear and particle physics and astrophysics, covering topics such as the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in binary neutron star mergers and the Equation of State of dense nuclear matter. By discussing insights from theoretical and experimental research, the involved scientists will have the unique opportunity to create additional synergies between their fields of work.
To develop the innovative scientific approaches of ELEMENTS even further, other leading figures in modern physics have been invited to join the annual conference. Furthermore, early career researchers will be encouraged to showcase their recent findings in presentations and a poster session, inspiring exchange across career stages.