
Launch of Lecture Series “The Origin of Matter” with Harald Lesch

This summer term, from April to July, we are excited to host a new lecture series titled „The Origin of Matter – How are Elements formed in the Universe?“ at Goethe University Frankfurt within the framework of the Deutsche Bank Guest Professorship for Science and Society 2024 together with the “Physikalischer Verein“. Within eight public lectures by ELEMENTS researchers as well as internationally renowned experts of astronomy and astrophysics, we will investigate the question of which extraordinary physical phenomena lead to the formation of (heavy) chemical elements in our universe.

The entry is free of charge and everyone who is interested in the exciting field of astrophysics is invited to join! More information on all of the events can be found here (in German).

The series will start on 21 April 2024, with an opening lecture by none other than Harald Lesch, professor at LMU Munich and the Munich School of Philosophy, who is widely known for his insightful science communication in the media. His lecture will begin at 2 pm in the Audimax lecture hall at Campus Westend. The opening lecture will be translated into German Sign Language.

The recording of the talk is now online on YouTube.

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