Last Friday, the first “Night of Science” since the pandemic took place at Goethe University. Even though the student organisers were only able to realise a smaller version of the popular event compared to previous editions, many visitors made their way to Campus Riedberg. Next to scientists from other fields, our spokesperson Luciano Rezzolla and Principal Investigator René Reifarth gave entertaining talks about their respective field of research. The talks can still be viewed on YouTube (in German). Click here for “Die Unwiderstehliche Anziehung der Schwerkraft” (Rezzolla) and here for “Der Kosmische Hexenkessel” (Reifarth).
ELEMENTS on Stage at Book Fair
On 19 October 2024, Goethe University’s science talk “Wissen Angezapft” (Knowledge on Tap) is hosting